“[Amira El-Zein’s work] offers fresh and original insights that challenge the conventional view of the Islamic religion and civilization.”
Amira El-Zein

Amira El-Zein is a poet, translator, and scholar writing in English, Arabic, and French. She published two collections of poetry, The Book of Palm Trees, Bedouins of Hell, and a chapbook The Jinn and Other Poems. Her translations of the poet Mahmoud Darwish appeared in Unfortunately it Was Paradise edited by Carolyn Forche and Munir Akash. She is the author of the acclaimed book Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn (Syracuse University Press, 2009) which went into several prints and is now available in paperback. She is also the co-editor of the book Creativity and Exile (Washington DC: Jusoor Books, Kitab Publications, 1996.) She teaches at Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar.
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