Free Imprisoned Iranian Writers Unconditionally Now!

by the Iranian Writer's Association in Exile and Iranian PEN Centre in Exile

Dear compatriots and freedom-loving people of the world,

The Islamic Republic of Iran, in its continuous and relentless campaign of repression, censorship, arrests, terror, assassinations, and mass executions, has yet again arrested and imprisoned another group of Iranian writers, poets, and journalists in Iran. On Saturday 05 Mehr 1399 / Sep. 26. 2020, two of the current board members of the IWA, namely Mr. Reza Khandanhe (Mahabadi) and Mr. Bektash Abtin and a former board member of IWA, Mr. Kayvan Bazhen were arrested and imprisoned by the Islamic Republic. These writers were apprehended due to their beliefs and relentless efforts in defense of unreserved freedom of speech, expression, and thought (freedom without any restrictions, barriers, and exceptions).  All three were falsely charged with "anti-government propaganda" and "conspiracy and association to plot against the national security of the country." The charges also included "publication of the internal bulletin of IWA, cooperation in writing the history and statements of IWA, and participation in gatherings for anniversaries of Mohamad Jafar Pouyandeh, Mohamad Mokhtari, and Ahmed Shamloo." More writers, poets, and journalists have been arrested or imprisoned or summoned to Islamic courts in the past few weeks; these include Mr. Aresh Ganji, Ms Geeti Pour Fazel, Mr Reza Esmaeili, Ms Shabnam Aashouri, Mr Anlovaar Gholi Vand, Ms. Neda Pir Khezrian, Mr. Aresh Johari, Mr. Andisheh Sadri, Ms. Mina Rad, Mr. Khosro Sadeghi Broojeni etc etc.

Freedom-loving people of the World:

The Islamic Republic regime soon revealed its censoring and repressive nature in the early stage of its formation when its founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, ordered “break these pens," and issued an edict for assassination of Salman Rushdie a few years later. This regime has brutally and barbarically violated the human rights of Iranian people for more than four decades. This regime has ruled in violation of all international norms and accords on human rights charters, and murdered many writers, poets, and journalists; it has tortured, insulted, humiliated, socially deprived, imprisoned, and sent into exile many more.

We the under-signed of this statement condemn the anti- human rights activities of this regime and hold responsible the leader of the Islamic Republic, Judiciary and the Ministry of Intelligence and other officials in charge, for the safety and well-being of the detained writers.

We the under-signed of this statement call upon the freedom-loving people of the world, writers, free press associations (PEN), and all human rights institutions throughout the world to raise their objections to the repressive policies of the Islamic Republic, and to condemn oppressive and unjust prison sentences in Iran.

Let’s get together and stand up against the continuous repression imposed by the Islamic Republic regime. Let’s stop the endless and insatiable appetite of this regime for blood, execution, torture, and imprisonment.

Let us enhance our beliefs on freedom of thought, speech, expression, and on the integrity and dignity of human beings, by supporting the imprisoned writers in Iran and demanding their immediate and unconditional release.

We the under-signed of this statement demand the immediate waiver of the prison sentences of the detained writers, and the unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience, civil, and trade union movement activists in Iran.

The Board of the IWA in exile:

Hossein Afsahi (writer and stage director)
Ehsan Haghighi Nezhad (poet and writer)
Manoocher Doosti (poet)
Ali Asghar Fardad (poet and translator)
Masoud Noghrehkar (writer and researcher),

The Board of Iranian Pen Centre in Exile:

Ziba Karbassi (poet)
Ali Kamrani (stage actor and poet)
Siavash Mirzadeh (poet and writer)


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