Shifting Baselines
It’s possible to create systems that are visionary for their time and also must be changed over time.

All in God’s Hands
One of them said, “I know of at least twenty people who have died in India.”

Brain Training
The skill you practice online does not provably transfer to a skill in life.

Inspiration and Expiration: The Banality of Respiration in India's Second Wave
Delhi, with its pretensions to almighty power and its vulgar display of privilege, was brought to its knees.

The Woman Who Came Back
I had read that weavers see the cloth as having a soul whose colors give off poder, power or heat.

Apropos of Nothing, Zero to the Bone
DeLillo’s sentences operate on a vertical as well as a horizontal axis.

College 2021
We begin our new lives, or restart our old ones, with the knowledge that we’re capable of more than we knew.

A Community of Voices: The First Year of the Red Letter Project
This was another reminder: hope, too, is contagious.

How Easy is it to Take a Shower?
I think I should keep my clothes on while having a shower. Or maybe not?