A Lonesome Journey to Freedom: The Hidden Struggles of LGBTQ Refugees
LGBTQ refugees, trapped in the brutal camps of Greece, are unprotected and rarely talked about.

Folkcal Fraim 5
Some photographs guide the world back to itself by pulling the world apart, then putting it back very quickly.

The God Gap
If God works in mysterious ways, Luke’s death is entirely too mysterious for me.

Abandon Hope, All Abandon…!
Recently the Islamic State took aim at the only remaining wealth of the people: their hope.

Ebook Piracy: Some Pros and Cons
Publishers should think seriously about what may be gained from illegal downloads rather than what may have been lost.

The Plague of Silence
Complicit silence is the most dangerous of all the infectious plagues.

Visiting James Joyce’s Grave with Anthony Kerrigan
I have not yet made it to James Joyce’s grave.

On Christopher Jane Corkery’s “Love Took the Words”
Corkery’s grasp of poets—and poetics—graces each page.

Drinking Up Old Tears
Bharat, India — that gracefully-shaped hurt containing the home I still seek.

A Scattering of Marigolds: Death, Migration, & Covid-19
For many years I wondered whether my life would have been better had I stayed in India