Baby Blue On Baby Blue
I wonder why I didn’t feel bad. I wonder why I didn’t feel anything.

The Limits of Armed Intervention
There is a direct correlation between the darkness of one’s skin and the likelihood of dying in police custody, going to jail and prison, and being executed by the state.

It’s Our Turn
How many N95 masks would $4.5 billion buy? Roughly 2.5 billion. The aircraft carrier sits in Guam, dead in the water.

Target Practice (Part 2)
How the people we came to help (the Afghans) could benefit from our being in Zombalay proved utterly elusive…

Target Practice
Alone in the dark bunker, I shook. I had never been a target. I had never lived in a war zone behind the wire.

White Noise
I knew my next sentence would define me forever in their minds. Was their leader a racist? I had not in my twenty-three years on the planet ever been confronted with the reality of that flag.

Accountability and Afghanistan
How ought we, as a nation of laws, respond to allegations of war crimes committed by our military?

Marcuse and the Last American Soldier
Has the last American soldier who will die in Afghanistan been born, yet? I don’t think so.