Parable of the Drowning Man
And so, rather than do the obvious thing, you decide to do nothing and continue on your way.

Folkcal Fraim 4
Still Photography is full of inner life lured into a larger inner life. The mirror of infinity is life.

How to Read Contemporary Fiction
I urge you to diversify your life in order to become a better reader.

Church of the Almighty Algorithm
Why do serious-minded computer scientists use the language of religious mysticism?

Back to School
I want school to go back to what it was, and I want it to be completely different.

Molecular Systematic Music: A Graphic Reveal
The nucleus is a visual reminder of the core of one’s artistic beliefs.

Relevant? Relevant Still? Relevant Again!
Like phoenixes rising from the ashes of old newspaper stories, political poems come round again with renewed relevance.

Just How New is “New” Arab Poetry
My friends who write in Arabic refuse to call what I write in Arabic “poetry.”

The Best Revenge
It might not be impertinent to think of Minima Moralia as noir philosophy.