Susan Sontag: Out and In
Volume 6 Philip G. Alcabes Volume 6 Philip G. Alcabes

Susan Sontag: Out and In

Sontag wasn't drawn to write about AIDS because she was (sometimes) homosexual, but because she had been thinking about the ways disease, including her own, is talked about.

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Homo Oblivious
Volume 6 Victoria Amelina Volume 6 Victoria Amelina

Homo Oblivious

Yesterday’s “Soviet Man” has morphed into today’s “Amnesiac Man”. Homo Sovieticus has mutated into Homo Oblivious.

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Grow Old and Be Strong
Volume 6 Jeff Dietrich Volume 6 Jeff Dietrich

Grow Old and Be Strong

I watched my 85-year-old wife, hunched over her red three-wheel walker as she pushed towards the line of twenty Military Police dressed in full riot gear.

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What is a Homeland?
Volume 6 Mosab Abu Toha Volume 6 Mosab Abu Toha

What is a Homeland?

What I try to convince myself of is that this is temporary, and one day the hope of peace will shine on every roofless house in my country.

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