Just How New is “New” Arab Poetry
My friends who write in Arabic refuse to call what I write in Arabic “poetry.”
The Best Revenge
It might not be impertinent to think of Minima Moralia as noir philosophy.
Folkcal Fraim 3
Photography helps the past drown the present and the present resuscitate myth.
An artist can examine his musical experiences through the lens of DNA to discover his own artistic (genetic) code of being.
A Budget for Billionaires (Or: How to Survive on $30,000 a Day)
“My daily allowance will still be around $30,000 a day. It’s not what I’m used to, but I’ll adjust.”
College 2020: From One Student to Another
While college is a big transition, no one is doing it alone.
The Intersection of Freedom: A Walk Through Two Photographers
Queer artists are spirit mediums who lift our dead toward light.
When My Body Was a Clinched Fist
Notice what the poet packs into fourteen words: an exuberant greeting forever diminished, locked into a secret council of thieves.
The Limits of Armed Intervention
There is a direct correlation between the darkness of one’s skin and the likelihood of dying in police custody, going to jail and prison, and being executed by the state.
Phase 2: An Update on Boston’s Unhoused
We hear stories from the black men in our community about their experiences of racism and being targeted by the police.
Report From Dimension Zero
My neighbors all say the same words, they read the same newspapers, I am not a fool, I have a good memory.
A Tale of Two Pandemics
John Snow charted the Cholera spread in 1854 on a dot map. Right at the center was the infamous pump at Broad street.
Another Day
It’s weird not to see the nurse’s face. I wonder if she remembers the unmasked faces of the regulars she treats.
Class No-Action Lawsuits
Online and face-to-face classes are not the same except in one sense: the tuition for both remains the same.
Who Put the Con in Conspiracy?
What is a conspiracy theory but an attempt by the powerless to identify those invisible vectors of force dictating so many of their life choices?
Why I Can’t Complain
My colleagues risk their lives to accomplish their missions. Today, these same colleagues worry about me.
Who Am I Without Exile?
I sometimes ask myself: “Would it be possible for one to create their memories in different places?”
Philosophers in Bondage
Slavery was indeed practiced in ancient Athens during the era in which philosophy as we understand it in the West arose.